novum musica | musica intima
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novum musica

7:30PM | FEBRUARY 12, 2024
ANNEX 823 Seymour Street, Vancouver BC
Admission pay-what-you-can online or at the door

Who is this concert for? 

  • The classical music influencer

  • The Spotify playlist curator

  • The Bandcamp supporter  


Is it really all new music?

  • You’ve never heard this music before, we promise - this concert is exclusively world premieres.

  • New sounds, new ideas, and new faces always make for an exciting evening!

  • Works by: Mari-Alice Conrad, Alex Vollant, Daniel Gardner, Katharine Petkovski, Emily Hiemstra, Nicolas Kelly, and Hope Salmonson!   


Didn’t you do this last year? 

  • This is the sixth iteration of our emerging composers program, this year co-presented by the Canadian Music Centre, and this year we’re thrilled to be welcoming Leslie Uyeda as Mentor-Composer. 

  • musica intima is firmly committed to educating and championing the next generation of Canadian composers - novum musica has been running since 2014.  

  • A crucial part of the education program is the final showcase - we find such joy in sharing the new sounds created by the composers of the future!

  • novum musica is pay-what-you-will - please register in our shop!

novum musica is co-presented by the Canadian Music Centre, and generously supported by the Y.P. Heung Foundation.

You can find the program for novum musica here.



musica intima exists to create incredible moments—to share the power of music with our audiences, and invite them into our circle of sound. Your financial support of the ensemble’s professional performance, touring, recording, and community outreach initiatives remains invaluable. 


As with most not-for-profit arts organizations, ticket revenue only accounts for a small portion of our total budget. If you have been touched by musica intima’s performances, please consider a tax-deductible gift to the musica intima society. Your continued support of one of Canada’s musical gems is vital, allowing us to continue presenting world-class performances at home and abroad, and supporting generations of professional musicians. 


Thank you!

musica intima is a registered charitable organizaion #872525530RR0001

© 2022 musica intima  |  204 - 3102 Main Street, Vancouver, BC  V5T 2Y9  |  604.731.6618

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