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The Fifth Stage

SSATTB, flute, bass, percussion

2015, 2024

Joelysa Pankanea, composer

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Contact Joelysa Pankanea for performance materials for 'The Fifth Stage'.


Both commissioned by Little Chamber Music, Pankanea’s two “stages” make up a pair of requiems written on the death of her parents. “The Fifth Stage” was originally written in 2015 for soprano and instrumental ensemble, and a new arrangement for musica intima was premiered in 2024. “The First Stage” was written for musica intima in 2018. The titles refer to the stages of grief Pankanea experienced as she was writing - she wrote “The Fifth Stage” many years after her father’s death, while “The First Stage” was written very shortly after her mother passed away.

“The Fifth Stage” is entirely textless, and the five movements follow a very linear idea of the five stages of grieving: denial, anger, depression, bargaining, and ultimately, acceptance. Tentative long phrases give way to aggressive and percussive chords, before rich harmonies construct a fantasy of existence - which slowly unravels into the

third movement, “Depression.” Here we experience Pankanea’s father’s theme for the first time, played by the alto flute. The theme is passed around throughout the movement before the rocking motion of “Bargaining” takes over - and this lilting motion eventually soothes us into the gentle groove of “Acceptance.” In the end, the flute fragments the father’s theme, before a final prayer bell echos the opening bell - reminding us that life is only a series of transient moments.

For the companion piece, "The First Stage", see here.


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